Subbase Preparation

Artificial grass should be installed on an even, hard and water-permeable sub-base. Installation should take place in temperatures not lower than 5 Celsius degrees with low humidity and no rain conditions. Low temperatures will not be helpful in streching the grass in appropriate way. Additionally, rainy weather will make it impossible to glue and sand the grass. If the installation is to be taken place where there is a natural lawn, it is recommended to remove the sod (5-10cm) and then compact the ground. This is followed by the complementing aggregate like crushed granite (fraction 0-4mm). This layer should be levelled and compacted after adding small amount of water. Final sub-base should be smooth and hard, what would prevent from damage when grass is used later on. At this point the sub-base is ready for installing the anti-weed membrane.

Attention: the sub-base preparation method and recommendations described above  are tentative and apply only to landscaping grasses. Final sub-base structure should be based on such criteria as: application type, soil quality, actual water-permeabilty, access to the installation place. We are always open to discuss the individual conditions and requirements of your sub-base.


Artificial grass laying

Artificial grass upon unrolling and cutting into desired formats  should be put in place in such a way that yarns face same direction (to avoid situation where individual formats look different);  possibly to the side from which the grass will be observed most (for example entrance to the patio/ backyard). This setup helps achieve the best visual effect for  the artificial grass.


Well-prepared artificial grass edges enable hiding seam lines. It is recommended that 1-2 stitch rows are cut along the edges of both artificial grass formats that are  supposed to be seamed together. The cutting is performed from the backing side as close to the next stitch row as possible. A precise cut should be made with same distance to the stitch row all along the grass edge. The grass formats with prepared edges should be placed next to each other – the distance between them should be similar to the stitch guage characteristic for the selected grass.

Next step after placing the rolls in an appropriate way next to eachother would be inserting the seaming tape inbetween the grass formats. With help of a spatula (for example B11 type) bi-component glue is spread onto the seaming tape. Lastly, the grass is stuck to the glue. It is important to note that the first grass format put onto the glue is the one with edge not covered with yarns.



Attention:  There is an option of seaming artificial grass with help of ready to use S12 tape . It is a less demanding way of performing this task; however it is usually considered for smaller  projects with less foot traffic.


Cutting, fixing and sanding

Next step is to remove excess of grass around the perimeter. There are a lot of ways used for finishing artificial grass edges. Grass can be glued to existing surfaces; it can be also separated with help of paving stones, plastic edgings, wooded borders, natural stones. If grass is installed on natural ground, the edges should be nailed every 20-30cm depending how heavily the given section is going to be used.


Landscaping grasses should be brushed against the yarn. This will put the yarn into an upright position what will enable the next step  which  aim is to evenly spread dry quartz sand into the grass. It is recommended to apply ca. 5-10kg per sqm depending on the grass type. The best  tool  to perform this task is drop spreader; final steps of the installation are brushing and watering the grass.  Quartz sand plays an important role in artificial grass stabilizing the surface, making the yarn more durable, extending the longevity of the product. It also helps reduce  grass temperature on hot days .



Attention: Artificial grass can be installed directly on concrete, tiles, paving stone. It is recommended that the surface is even, free of damage and clean. At the same time we suggest that the slope is minimum 1,5% which lets the water go through the perforations towards the gutter system. In case a seam needs to be made; a S12 tape is a good option. With width of 12cm it is to be put between two grasses` formats, film removed and both edges  put back together. Quartz sand for increased yarn durability might be used as well, even though on most patios and balconies, it is skipped. On such surfaces the edges might be fixed with help of one-component glue or weather-resistant double-sided tape. Brushing against the yarn completes the installation.

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