– leaves, weeds, cigarretes butts, food rests other debris: are to be manually removed from grass
– light stains: if water rinsing is not enough, warm water with soap comes in as a good solution to clean dirty spots (with help of a rug or mop)
– animal excrements: it is recommended to remove it and rinse it with water or water with soap
– chewing gum: best way is to freeze it with ice cube and than remove leftovers

Brushing, refresing and quartz sand replenishing
– in order to refresh the grass it is recommended to brush it after intensive activities, rain storms or snowmelt took place
– water sprinkling on hot days will allow to get rid of dust excess and will contribute to decreasing grass temperature what will, as a consequence, make using grass more comfortable
– if, due to intensive activities or atmospheric conditions (rain, wind), quartz sand that has been brushed in dislocates, it would have to be replenished according to recommendations

What to avoid?
– furniture or objects with sharp edges which could damage the grass
– aggressive chemicals which could lead to negative effects such as yarn discoloration
– intensive activities on the grass at temperatures below -15st.C
– mechanical ice removal
– sunshine exposure through glass or metal objects which may lead to discoloration due to extreme temperatures (magnifying glass effect)